In fact, tempered glass is a kind of prestressed glass. In order to improve the strength of glass, it usually uses chemical or physical methods to form pressure stress on the surface of glass. When the glass bears the external force, it first counteracts the stress of the surface, thus昆明工程玻璃加工廠主營業務:夾絲玻璃,夾娟夾膠,壓花玻璃,激光內雕,調光玻璃,車刻玻璃,熱熔熱彎,漸變玻璃,教堂玻璃,烤漆玻璃,隔斷幕墻,深雕浮雕,UV打印彩繪,玻璃磚墻,智能鏡子,屏風背景墻,山水畫玻璃,千層深淵鏡,工程玻璃,其它玻璃等提供報價咨詢!" />
Q Q:1492334459
In fact, tempered glass is a kind of prestressed glass. In order to improve the strength of glass, it usually uses chemical or physical methods to form pressure stress on the surface of glass. When the glass bears the external force, it first counteracts the stress of the surface, thus improving the bearing capacity, enhancing the anti wind pressure, heat and shock, and so on.
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